That’s a WRAP! How #UmbrellaWeek Didn’t Kill Us…


Hey There Beer Farmers,

We’d like to do some quick math if you don’t mind: 8 days, 3 themes, one city, 22 organizing groups and venues, and 15 events – that simply scratches the surface of one of the most inspiring, engaging, exhausting, and artistic weeks in recent experience/history, as far as we here at the Beer Farm are concerned! Did you enjoy #UmbrellaWeek? We really hope you did! We had people on our staff, and otherwise, in our venues, that were engaged for the 8 days, Albuquerque chose to call a week – it was incredible. From glitter and Danger Carnival, to movie screenings, screen printing and the Reptilian Lounge under the stars… we are sort of hung over with amazement! Can you believe it? We survived!

Many of you know the man behind the keys for this blog – for those of you who don’t, “Hi, my name is Carlos Contreras, and I’m a workaholic.” As the Good Times Liaison here at Tractor Brewing, with Tractor Brewing being involved with: TEDXABQ’s after party, Habitat Downtown Block Party, CiQlovía, 24 Hours of Art, Danger Carnival, Creative Mornings, Bridge: Arts & Social Justice, and I’LL Drink To That, in one way or another – I just have to say “thank you!” Tractor Brewing is an incredible place; Albuquerque is incredible city – together, with so many people focused on: art, tech, and culture, in this city of ours, for 8 days, we made things awesome! We should do it again sometime – soon! Whatya’ say?

I will say this – post that many events, on Sunday morning, on the home stretch I awoke unable to feel anything but the throbbing in my feet – I nearly cried when getting out of bed, at the thought of “more.” Yes – MORE… Art, MORE… Community…. MORE… Beer – let’s be honest, there always has to be more beer. The point of this story is though, that I pushed myself to keep on moving in the name of art, in the names of the incredible organizers, and artists, performers, and speakers at each of these events. I was in awe, Albuquerque, at the fact that for 8 days, what we routinely deem a “week,” we had the entire city moving from event to event, from art opening, to speaking series, and then you changed and came and partied down!!!! It was a good time had by all – and I and we here at Tractor Brewing, appreciate it having happened – and are ready to do it again! Until next year, CHEERS!