Quick Questions with Gaspar Salazar-Mendez, Current Nob Hill Artist


Recently we talked with the artist currently hanging at Tractor Nob Hill: Gaspar Salazar-Mendez. We had some questions that had to do with how he got his start with art, and otherwise. Gaspar was nice enough to grace us with some answers, and so exists this Q&A with a #Face on the Beer Farm, for our Blog, today. Enjoy! 

How long have you been an artist, or had an affinity for art? 
I began drawing and painting very young, I was about 4 as I recall. However I’ve never really looked at it as a career, it’s always been more of an outlet.

Give us Three words that describe you… 
 Emphatic, Passionate, Scintillating

How did you gain an interest and inspiration to become an artist? 

When I was a growing up I used to practice a lot drawing videogame and cartoon characters. I also had the opportunity to observe artist working at the local rec center. I was always most impressed by the skill of their execution, and worked towards imitating it. Most importantly I had plenty of incredibly passionate teachers, who pushed me, and introduced me to a broader range of art.

What are your hopes with the future of your artwork and career? 

My art will take me to unimagined places.

Where do you get inspiration to create the images you do?

I draw inspiration from music and through the human condition.

What do you hope people “take away” from your artwork? 

I always set out to create something that is joyful to observe, regardless of its subject matter. I seek produce bliss in the viewer, before provoking thought.

What would you tell aspiring artists?

Be forever youthful inside your hearts, never allow your inquiring minds to be dulled or silenced.

What do you think is next, in the evolution of your artwork, and you as an artist? 

More sculpture and sculptural like work, with painting elements. Some paintings, bigger, more wonderful ones, with sculptural elements. You never really know where art will take you though.