Lukas Cash – The Man Behind The Microphone


A while back, Antal Maurer, Tractor’s “Pusher Man,” and myself, Carlos Contreras the “Good Times Liaison,” joined the company of Lukas Cash and Eddy Aragon, on a “Pint and a Chat” 95.9 FM. We talked about BEER, of course – and about Tractor’s event and community presence. The show was a great time. Lukas and Eddy were welcoming, professional, and fun; we so enjoyed our time there,that we asked to come back soon – keep your ears open for our return. In the time between then, and then… we thought we would shed some light on Eddy and Lukas’ endeavor to bring beer news to the Burque air waves. Below is an interview in the style of radio… or Wu-Tang – “Raw…” enjoy.

Who is Lukas Cash?
I’m a 30 year old geeky family man, with a smokin hot wife, 3 adorable spawn, and a nearly insatiable thirst for IPA’s.

What do you do on a daily basis?
To pay the bills I work as an academic advisor at UNM and part-time faculty member at both UNM and CNM. To relax I play video games and foosball with my kids.

How did a pint and a chat come about?
Eddy Aragon, CEO of the station, and co-host on the show was at the same place I was on Super Bowl Sunday. We had a great conversation which blossomed into me joining Eddy’s drive time show, “The Rock of Talk” on Fridays. Around late April, early May, Eddy encouraged me to start reaching out to various breweries, local and beyond to gauge interest in what would eventually become A Pint and a Chat. We were able to book some great guests, and this week we will record our tenth show.

Who all is involved?
Eddy and I handle the production and distribution side of the show. Our show wouldn’t be what it was without our awesome guests, and our bills wouldn’t get paid without all of Eddy’s awesome advertisers. (probably too many to name here, and I wouldn’t want to forget someone).

Who has been on the show so far?
Karen Hamilton (Lagunitas), Jeff Erway (La Cumbre), Jason Soto (Santa Fe Brewing Company), Yusef Cherney (Ballast Point), Sam Scruby and Eddy Madani (Upslope Brewing), Jess Meyers (Bosque), Carlos Contreras and Antal Maurer (Tractor Brewing).

What’s your favorite part about doing the show?
Learning about the breweries, chatting with awesome folks and most of all drinking the beer. My in-studio guests are always kind enough to bring me some samples of stuff I normally wouldn’t order, so my beer palate is becoming more sophisticated. 

When and how can they find you?
The show airs on Saturday afternoons at 4:30 p.m. (95.9 and 107.5 FM, 1600 AM and ABQ.FM) Eddy also just recently added a “Pint and a Chat” channel to the website, so all of the shows we have done stream 24/7 at ABQ. FM.

What do we have to look forward to?
More great conversations with breweries of course. Additionally I hope to start bringing in other awesome people – artists, musicians, social activists – to chat over a delicious pint.

How did you find and what did you like about tractor?
Tractor Wells Park is probably my first love in terms of Albuquerque tap houses. I am not a life long Burqueño and when I moved up here, my now best friend invited me out for a beer. I was absolutely floored by the beauty of the venue and the art on the walls, and even though I’ve been hundreds of times, it’s still captivating. The servers are spectacular and the C&C IPA is definitely in my “tastes like ABQ” book.

Any parting words?
I’m one of the luckiest guys in ABQ in that I get to talk about and highlight the bustling craft brew scene. I truly appreciate anyone who takes the times to listen and can’t wait to share more awesome stories with the 505.